Sunday, December 8, 2013


Happy Sun(ny)day !!

The photo-shooting was taken in Sam Ratulangi University complex,  Manado.
I am going to tell you the drama-shooting happened this time:
- Begins with a bit of a shouting-match between me and my boyfriend (he woke up late) and took a long time for him to get ready.
- Because of that- the show time begun at 12 NOON and the sun was smiling widely at me. Read: sweat continuously during photo-shooting.
- INSECTS ATTACK!! Begins with red ants (there may be a thousands of them), mosquitoes (there are approximately 10 bite marks on my feet), until unknown insect that bit me to the point that my knee finally swollen and became reddish. : (
Again, all of these "drama" won't stop my intention and determination to do the photo-shooting and presenting this post as an expression of my personal style. Hope you enjoy it, as I am. : )

beige-colored knit cardigan replaced the green blazer. But still with the black wedges.

 I love what Coco Chanel think about a woman's attitude..

I Loveeee this dress from body & soul so much.. I bought it about 7 (SEVEN) YEARS AGO! Precisely on Dec 2006.. and I love you for a thousand more year, my dress... you are classic & adorable.

I was wearing : BODY & SOUL cream- vintage dress | TRASH for payless black wedges | Light Brown flat from FLEURETTE - SPOHIE MARTIN brown bag | UNBRANDED green blazer | UNBRANDED beige knit cardigan | black belt from STRAWBERRY STORE | ANGEL watch | unbranded bracelets borrowed from my boyfriend's sister.

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